2013年7月9日 星期二

將軍澳富康單車 - JAGWIRE 單車配件系列

我們誠意推介JAGWIRE制線/波線, 台灣制造, 質量良好! 可以用於摺疊車/爬山車/公路車, 特性如下:

Ripcord Ultimate Derailleur Inner Cable
~ SLICK cable coated with Teflon finishes
~ Pre-stretched, Responsive, Friction-free
~ Chemical, Dirt, Moisture and Corrosion Resistant
~ Superb Durability, Maintenance-free
~ 1.5X1700MM

Ripcord Ultimate Brake Inner Cable
~ SLICK cable coated with Teflon finishes
~ Pre-stretched, Responsive, Friction-free
~ Chemical, Dirt, Moisture and Corrosion Resistant

~ Superb Durability, Maintenance-free
~ 1.1X3100MM


iness Hours:
平日/Weekdays: 11:00AM - 9:00PM
假日/Weekends: 10: 3 0AM - 9:00PM
(包括:星期六, 日及公眾假期) / (Including Sat, Sun & Public Holiday)

地址/Address : 新界將軍澳景林邨,景林街市61A號 (近寶琳站B3出口) /
Shop 61A, King Lam Market, King Lam Estate, TKO (MTR Po Lam Station--> B3 EXIT)
電話/TEL : (852)2217 7313
電郵/Email beverlycycle@yahoo.com.hk